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সমোচ্চারিত ভিন্নার্থক শব্দের তালিকা | বাংলা ব্যাকরণ The Model Millionaire mcq and Answers The Model Millionaire – চারণকবি কবিতা MCQ – ভারভারা রাও – একাদশ শ্রেণী সেমিস্টার ১ বিড়াল (প্রবন্ধ) MCQ- বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় | Class 11 Semester 1 সাম্যবাদী নজরুল ইসলাম MCQ প্রশ্নোত্তর | একাদশ শ্রেণী বাংলা নুন – জয় গোস্বামী একাদশ শ্রেণী লালন শাহ্ ফকিরের গান একাদশ শ্রেণী সেমিস্টার ২ ভাব সম্মিলন – বিদ্যাপতি চারণকবি – ভারভারা রাও

1. Who was ‘Jimmy Valentine’?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was a burglar.

2. Why was Jimmy Valentine put into jail?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was put into jail on the charge of burglary in Springfield.

3. Who brought Jimmy Valentine before the warden?

Answer: The jail guard brought Jimmy Valentine before the warden.

4. Who handed Jimmy his pardon?

Answer: The warden handed Jimmy his pardon.

5. Who signed Jimmy’s pardon?

Answer: The governor signed Jimmy’s pardon.

6. “Brace up, and make a man of yourself.”—Who said this and to whom?

Answer: The warden of the prison said this to Jimmy Valentine.

7. What did the warden order the guard, Cronin to do for Jimmy?

Answer: The warden ordered the guard Cronin to fix Jimmy up with outgoing clothes and unlock him the next morning.

8. What was Jimmy provided with before he was released from the jail?

Answer: Jimmy was provided with clumsy ready-made clothes, stiff, squeaky shoes, a rail ticket and a five-dollar bill before he was released from the prison.

9. What did the warden personally offer Jimmy?

Answer: The warden personally offered Jimmy a cigar.

10. How was Jimmy Valentine identified in the prison?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine was identified by the number 9762 in the prison.

11. What did Jimmy take in the restaurant?

Answer: Jimmy ate broiled chicken and drank a bottle of white wine and smoked a good cigar in the restaurant.

12. Who was Mike Dolan?

Answer: Mike Dolan was one of Jimmy Valentine’s trusted friends.

13. “Sorry we couldn’t make it sooner, Jimmy…”—What was the speaker sorry for?

Answer: Mike was sorry as they could not release Jimmy from prison earlier.

14. Who was Ben Price?

Answer: Ben Price was a famous detective who had the capability of catching cunning burglars like Jimmy.

15. What were Jimmy’s burglary tools?

Answer: Drills, punches braces and bits, jimmies, damps and augers were Jimmy’s burglary tools.

16. How much did the burglary tools cost Jimmy?

Answer: The burglary tools cost Jimmy over nine hundred dollars.

17. What happened a week after the release of Valentine?

Answer: A week after the release of Valentine a neat job of safe-burglary took place in Richmond.

18. “That began to interest the rogue-catchers.”–What began to interest the rogue-catchers?

Answer: The neat safe-burglary in Logansport resulting in the loss of fifteen hundred dollars began to interest the rogue-catchers.

19. What happened in Jefferson City?

Answer: An old-fashioned bank-safe was cracked and five thousand dollars were looted in Jefferson City.

20. “Ben Price investigated the scenes of the robberies.”—What was the result of Ben Price’s Investigation?

Answer: The result of Ben Price’s investigation was that Jimmy Valentine was the author of all mischief.

21. “He’s resumed business.”—Which ‘business’ is referred to here?

Answer: ‘Burglary’ by Jimmy is referred to here.

22. “Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits.”—What were the habits of Jimmy?

Answer: Long jumps, quick get-aways, no confederates and a taste for good society were the habits of Jimmy.

23. Where was Elmore?

Answer: Elmore, a little town, was five miles off the railroad down in the black-Jack country of Arkansas.

24. Where did Jimmy Valentine go after leaving his own town?

Answer: Leaving his own town Jimmy Valentine went to a little town, Elmore.

25. Where did Jimmy Valentine meet Miss Annabel first?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine first met Miss Annabel on the street near Elmore Bank.

26. Who was the owner of the Elmore Bank?

Answer: Miss Annabel’s father Mr. Adams was the owner of the Elmore Bank.

27. ‘Isn’t that young lady Poly Simpson?’-Who asked this question and to whom?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine asked this question to a young boy loafing on the steps of Elmore Bank.

28. In which hotel did Jimmy Valentine put up?

Answer: Jimmy Valentine put up in the Planters’ Hotel at Elmore.

29. What was the name of Jimmy Valentine at Elmore?

Answer: Ralph D. Spencer was the name of Jimmy Valentine at Elmore.

30. Which business did Jimmy want to go into at Elmore?

Answer: Jimmy wanted to go into shoe-business at Elmore.

31. “He now perceived his short-comings.”—Who was ‘he’ and how did he perceive his short-comings?

Answer: ‘He’ was the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel. He perceived his own short-comings in comparison with the dress and manner of Ralph D. Spencer.

32. What information did Ralph D. Spencer collect from the clerk of the Planters’ Hotel?

Answer: Ralph D. Spencer came to learn from the clerk that there was a good opening in the shoe-business at Elmore and there was no exclusive shoe-store there.

33. “And he accomplished the wish of his heart.”—What was the wish of his heart?

Answer: The wish of his heart was to meet Miss Annabel Adams.

34. Whom did Jimmy write a letter?

Answer: Jimmy wrote a letter to his friend Pal.

35. Where and when did Jimmy want to meet his friend Pal?

Answer: Jimmy wanted to meet his old friend Pal at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock next Wednesday night at nine o’clock.

36 Why did Jimmy want to meet Pal?

Answer: wanted to meet Pal to make him a present of his kit of tools forever.

37. “It’s the only life, Billy—the straight one.”—How did the speaker want to live the straight life?

Answer: The speaker, Jimmy wanted to live the straight life by marrying Miss Annabel Adams and quitting his past dishonest jobs of burglary.

38. “She’s an angel.”—Who is ‘she’?

Answer: ‘She’ is Miss Annabel, the beloved of Jimmy Valentine.

39. “He was going to Little Rock that day…”—Why was he going to Little Rock?

Answer: He was going to Little Rock that day to order his wedding-suit and to buy something nice for his Annabel.

40. “After breakfast quite a family party went downtown together…”—Who were in the family party?

Answer: There were Mr. Adams, Jimmy, Annabel, Annabel’s married sister and her two little girls May and Agatha in the family party.

41. Who was Dolph Gibson?

Answer: Dolph Gibson was the driver of Jimmy Valentine’s horse-drawn carriage.

42. “Wouldn’t I make a nice drummer?’’—Who said this and to whom?

Answer: Miss Annabel Adams said this to Jimmy.

43.  What did Miss Annabel think about the contents of the suitcase?

Answer: Miss Annabel thought that the suitcase was filled with gold bricks.

44. ‘Mr. Adams was very proud of it.”—What was Mr. Adams very proud of?

Answer: Mr. Adams was very proud of a new safe and vault that he had brought in his Elmore Bank.

45. “Suddenly there was a scream or two from the women.”—What was the cause of the scream?

Answer: The women present in the Elmore Bank screamed as they found that May had shut Agatha in the vault in course of play.

46. “The door can’t be opened.”— Why can’t the door be opened?

Answer: The door can’t be opened as the clock had not been set.

47.  “She will die of fright.”—Why did the speaker fear so?

Answer: The speaker feared so as her little daughter Agatha was locked in the narrow vault of the safe.

48.  What did Jimmy ask for from Miss Annabel before he started breaking the vault in Elmore Bank?

Answer: Jimmy asked for the rose Miss Annabel wore before he started breaking the vault in Elmore Bank.

49. “The others watched him as if under a spell”—What did the others watch spell bound?

Answer: The others watched Jimmy spell bound arranging the tools of burglary he had in his suitcase for breaking the vault.

50.  How long did Jimmy take to break the vault?

Answer: Jimmy took only ten minutes to break the vault.

51. “At the door a big man stood somewhat in his way.” -Who was the ‘big man’?

Answer: Ben Price was the ‘big man’.

52. “I don’t know that it makes much difference, now.”—In what context did Jimmy say this?

Answer: With breaking of the vault Jimmy’s identity might be disclosed to all. Then Jimmy saw his enemy Ben Price before him and thought of his misfortune.

53. “And then Ben Price acted rather strangely.”—How did Ben Price act?

Answer: Ben Price deliberately concealed the identity of Jimmy and could not recognize him.

54. Why did not Ben Price arrest Jimmy Valentine?

Answer: Ben Price did not arrest Jimmy Valentine as he was fully convinced of his transformation from a criminal to a gentleman.

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