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বিড়াল – বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় পুঁই মাচা MCQ একাদশ শ্রেণী | 1st Semester পুঁই মাচা-বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় MCQ from The Bangle Sellers – Sarojini Naidu MCQ from Composed Upon Westminster Bridge- Wordsworth | Class 11 Assertive Sentence Narration Change Worksheet (Direct Speech to Indirect Speech) The Greenhouse Effect – Carl Dennis | Class 12 Sonnet no. 73 That time of year thou mayst in me behold | Class 12 Hawk Roosting – Ted Hughes | Class 12 Down The Rabbit-Hole – Lewis Carrol | Class 12

1. Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home. [5] 

Answer: Mother Teresa visited an elderly care facility and noticed that despite the comfortable amenities, the residents seemed joyless and fixated on the entrance. It turned out that their children never visited, leaving them feeling abandoned and hurt. Actually, they were forgotten by their near and dear ones. This encounter made Mother Teresa realize the importance of love and companionship in providing solace and care.

2. ‘And she died with a smile on her face.’ – How did she die with a smile on her face? [5]

Answer: One evening, Mother Teresa and her sisters encountered four individuals in need on the streets. One of them was critically ill. She took responsibility for that serious woman and did whatever she could with her love. Despite her dire circumstances, she didn’t seek sympathy and instead thanked Mother Teresa with a beautiful smile on her face before passing away.

3. Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar. [5]

Answer:  In Calcutta, during a difficult time of sugar-crisis, a four-year-old boy decided to abstain from consuming sugar for three days to gather as much as possible, intending to offer it to Mother Teresa, who cared for underprivileged children. After three days, the boy and his parents visited Mother Teresa. The boy wanted to share his love and compassion with the less fortunate children.

4. ‘I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children.’ – Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of? [5]

Answer: Mother Teresa had an extraordinary experience with a Hindu family of eight children. When she came to know that they had gone without food for a long time, she immediately brought them rice. Upon arriving, she was shocked by their dire situation. The children’s eyes were filled with hunger, but what struck her the most was the actions of the mother. The mother divided the rice and left the house. When she returned, Mother Teresa asked where she had gone. The mother explained that she had given some rice to a Muslim family who were also in need. This act of sharing between different religions deeply struck Mother Teresa.

5. In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata? [1+4 = 5] 


Why did Mother Teresa say that poor people are great people? [5]

Answer: Mother Teresa appeals to her audience by sharing stories of the physical and psychological suffering and poverty faced by humanity. She recounts touching encounters in Kolkata, where a dying lady expressed gratitude before passing away and a man, despite being half-eaten by worms, accepted his fate with angelic love and care. She also tells of a young boy who selflessly saved sugar for other children and a Hindu mother who shared her meager rice with a Muslim family, demonstrating the joy of sharing. Through these stories, Mother Teresa highlights the greatness of the poor.

6. Why does Mother Teresa think ‘abortion’ to the greatest destroyer of peace? How does Mother appeal to fight abortion?

Answer:  Mother Teresa strongly believed that abortion goes against God’s will and disrupts inner peace. Where a mother is involved in the direct killing of her own child, there is no place for love and peace.

She urged people to choose adoption instead, offering to care for unwanted babies. They sent this message to all the clinics, hospitals and police stations. They had a tremendous demand from families who had no children. Through her compassion and tireless efforts, countless innocent lives were saved and families found joy.

7. “That poverty comes right there in our own home.” – Which poverty is Mother Teresa talking about? What happens when such poverty comes? What solution does she provide to remove that poverty?

Answer: Mother Teresa is talking about the ‘poverty’ which creeps in due to negligence to love. While talking about mental poverty Mother Teresa gives the example of people in old age homes whose sons and daughters have forgotten them.

When such poverty comes people stop smiling. They feel unwanted, unloved and hurt.

To combat this, she urges us to prioritize our family members, spending quality time, smiling, and expressing affection. By fostering a sense of togetherness, we can overcome the destructive impact of mental poverty.

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