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তেলেনাপোতা আবিষ্কার(গল্প) – প্রেমেন্দ্র মিত্র ছুটি (Chhuti) – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর বিড়াল – বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায় পুঁই মাচা MCQ একাদশ শ্রেণী | 1st Semester পুঁই মাচা-বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় MCQ from The Bangle Sellers – Sarojini Naidu MCQ from Composed Upon Westminster Bridge- Wordsworth | Class 11 Assertive Sentence Narration Change Worksheet (Direct Speech to Indirect Speech) The Greenhouse Effect – Carl Dennis | Class 12 Sonnet no. 73 That time of year thou mayst in me behold | Class 12

Joining of Sentences from Daybreak by HW Longfellow

1. The wind came up out of the sea. It asked the mist to make room. (Join by using participle)

Answer: Coming out of the sea the wind asked the mist to make room.

2. The wind hurried landward. It asked all to wake up. (Join by using participle)

Answer: Hurrying landward, the wind asked all to wake up.

3.  It touched the wood-bird’s folded wings and asked it to sing. (Rewrite by using participle)

Answer: Touching the wood-bird’s folded wings, it asked it to sing.

4. The wind rushed to a chanticleer. It urged him to crow.(Join by using participle)

Answer: Rushing to a chanticleer, the wind urged him to crow.

5. The wind routed through the belfry Tower. It asked the tower to ring its bell. (Join by using participle)

Answer: Routing through the belfry tower, the wind asked the tower to ring its bell.

6. The wind hailed the ships. It urged the mariners to sail on. (join by using relative clause)

Answer: The wind, which hailed the ships, urged the mariners to sail on.

7.  It touched the wood-bird’s folded wing.(rewrite by using relative clause)

Answer: It touched the wood-bird’s wing which was folded.

8. The wind rushed to a chanticleer. The chanticleer was sleeping.(join by using relative clause)

Answer: The wind rushed to the chanticleer who was sleeping.

9. The dead were buried. The wind asked them to lie quietly. (join by using relative clause)

Answer: The dead who the wind asked to lie quietly were burried.

Voice change from Daybreak by H.W. Longfellow

1) The wind hailed the ship.

Answer: The ship was hailed by the wind.

2) It touched the wood-bird’s folded wing.

Answer: The wood-bird’s folded wing was touched by it.

3) Proclaim the hour.

Answer:  Let the hour be proclaimed.

4) Let the coming morn be hailed.

Answer: Hail the coming morn.

5)The wind impels the chanticleer to crow.

Answer: The chanticleer was impelled to crow by the wind.

6) Bow down.

Answer: You should be bowed down.

7) Make room for me.

Answer: Let room be made for me.

8. It crossed the churchyard with a sigh.

Answer: The churchyard was crossed by it with a sigh.

9. Blow your clarion.

Answer: Let your clarion be blown.

Class XI English (Mindscapes)Textual Grammar

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