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Assertive Sentence Narration Change Worksheet (Direct Speech to Indirect Speech) The Greenhouse Effect – Carl Dennis | Class 12 Sonnet no. 73 That time of year thou mayst in me behold | Class 12 Hawk Roosting – Ted Hughes | Class 12 Down The Rabbit-Hole – Lewis Carrol | Class 12 Tara- Mahesh Dattani | Class 12 Our Casuarina Tree – Toru Dutt | Class 12 From A Room of One’s Own [SHAKESPEARE’S SISTER] – Virginia Woolf | Class 12 The Night Train at Deoli – Ruskin Bond (বঙ্গানুবাদ) | Class 12 Amarnath-Sister Nivedita MCQs and Answers | Class 11
  • Mikhail Bakhtin– Carnivalesque, Heterroglossia, Dialogism
  • Roman Jackobson– Structuralism
  • Julia Kristeva– Intertexuality, Semanalysis, Genotext/Phenotext,Chora
  • Jacques Derrida– Deconstruction,Phallagocetrism, Difference
  • Harold Bloom– School of Resentment
  • Ludwig Kleges– logocentrism
  • Antonio Gramsci– Hegemony, Subaltern,
  • Louis Althusser– interpellation
  • Sigmund Freud– psychoanalysis, Oedipus complex 
  • Curl Jung– collective unconsciousness, Electra complex
  • Thomas Rhymer– Poetic Justice
  • Ted Nelson– Hypertext
  • Helene Cixous– sext, chaosmos
  • Milton– high disdain
  • Jean Bellumin– avant-texte
  • Lacan– Homonolette
  • Alder– inferiority complex
  • Baudrillard– hyperreality
  • George Bataille- Heterology
  • Gaston Paris– courtly love
  • Bertolt Brecht– epic theater, alienation effect
  • Martin Esslin– theater of the absurd
  • Antonin Atraud– the theatre of cruelty
  • Jean Jacques Besnard– theatre of silence
  • Simone de Beauvoir– other in feminism
  • Elaine Showalter– Gynocritism
  • Teressa de Lauretes – queer
  • E.K.Sedgwick– homosocial desire
  • Wilhelm Dilthey– Hermeneutic circle
  • Wolfgang Iser- implied reader,reception
  • Edmund Husserl – phenomenological reduction
  • Hans Robert Jauss– Horizon of Expectations
  • Roman Ingarten– intentional sentence correlatives
  • Stanely Fish– Interpretive Communities
  • Gabriel Proust– existentialism
  • Stephen Greenblatt– new historicism, resonance, wonder
  • Raymond Williams- cultural materialism, structure of feeling
  • Andrew Sarris– auteur theory
  • W.B. Yeats– gyres
  • John Keats– egotistical sublime, negative capability 
  • Lionel Abel– meta theatre
  • Truman Catope– faction
  • Andre Gide– mise-en-abyme
  • Jean Lyotard– grand and little narratives
  • Ray Oldenburg – third space
  • Mary Pratt– contact zone
  • Alfred Sauvy– third world studies
  • Homi K. Bhaba– unhomeliness, hybridity, mimicry, ambivalence, civility
  • Aime Cesaire-negritude
  • Benedict Anderson– Imagined Communities
  • Rudyard Kipling – White Man’s burden
  • Franz Fanon– the literature of combat
  • Edward Said– Orientalism
  • Jan Mohmed– minority discourse
  • Barbara Harlow– resistance literature
  • Otto Jesperson– the great vowel shift
  • A.S. Hornby -situational approach
  • Nelson Brooks-audio lingual
  • Dell Hymes– communicative competence
  • Charles Baudelaire -modernity
  • Ferdinand de Sassure– langue/parole, aesthetics
  • Noam Chomsky– competence, performance, deep structure
  • C.S.Pierce– iconic/indexical
  • Roland Barthes-readerly/writerly
  • M.A.K.Halliday-interlanguage
  • Cleanth Brooks-irony
  • William Reukert- ecocriticism
  • Alexander Pope-nature methodized
  • Salman Rushdie- chutnification
  • Krashen– input hypothesis
  • E.M. Forster– only connect
  • G.M.Hopkins – curtal sonnet
  • Franz Roe– magic realism
  • Frederic Schlegel– Romantic
  • Dipesh Chakraborty– provincializing Europe
  • Michael Foucault – episteme,geneology, author function
  • Gayatri Chakraborty– strategic essentialism
  • Alice Walker– womanism
  • J.R.R. Tolkein– mythopoeia
  • Paul Ricoeur– hermeneutics of suspicion
  • Ruskin– pathetic fallacy
  • Allen Tate– tension
  • Charles Fourier-feminisme
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